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Production line feed

Production line feed on the market today are produced include: member of feed, cattle feed manufacturing is concentrated feed Vietnam accreditation applies to technological processes produce animal feed in Vietnam.
In livestock food plays a very important role and account for 65-70% of the cost of livestock products. The time-scale livestock concentration, industry is growing, while the food industry to meet the 65-70% of the market demand. The foregoing shows that demand for animal feed, especially in the food industry is huge and growing.
Livestock is the main sector in agricultural production. The time value of new livestock sector accounts for 25-27% of the total value of agricultural production. According to the strategic development of animal husbandry has been Prime Minister for approval, development goal: By 2020, the livestock industry to switch to basic production method according to farm, industrial, meet most needs to ensure food quality for consumption and export. The proportion of livestock farming in 2020 was over 42%, which in 2015 reached 38%. Average growth period 2008 - 2010 was about 8-9%; period 2010 - 2015 was about 6-7% and the period from 2015 to 2020 was about 5-6%.
Show the complete line of feed processing technology and advanced equipment imported mainly from abroad. Derived from practical needs, JSC sequential conducted research, design, manufacturing processing line for animal feed size 500-800 kg / hour support for farmers. And manufacturing pellet feed for livestock and poultry productivity 250-300 kg / hour ". On the basis of the scale lines 500-800 kg / hour, to meet the diverse needs of production JSC continued sequential design, fabrication and delivery to production lines of large-scale more. Below are the results achieved.
+ Grinders mix all ingredients such as banana trees, vegetables, dirt (water hyacinth), elephant grass, trees and corn, stems and roots (cassava), friendly and sweet potatoes, .v..v ... products to help pet form of finely crushed easily absorbed and digested.
+ Shredding machine materials such as elephant grass, corn stalks, grass, stem nuts, vegetables, dirt (water hyacinth), banana stalks, straw ... and a lot of other materials out products from 1cm to 5cm in length.
+ Grinders dry powder materials such as corn seeds and grains, cassava (tapioca), dried, dried fish, dried leaves .... from the crude into a starch as raw materials for fermentation and pressing member bran, or processing different types of feed for livestock.
+ Very convenient for farmers producing for not wait crushed each material a
+ At generate dust and dirt more easily handled;
+ Investment costs less than the machines of the same type on the market.